Articles & Publications

Research Articles

Keyser, P.D., C.M. Lituma, G.E. Bates, E.D. Holcomb, J.C. Waller, and A.P. Griffith. 2020. Evaluation of eastern gamagrass and a sorghum × sudangrass for summer pasture. Agronomy Journal. 112 In Press. DOI: 10.1002/agj2.20204 

Keyser, P., S. Schexnayder, A. Willcox, G. Bates, and C. Boyer. 2019. Identifying Barriers to Forage Innovation: Native Grasses and Producer Knowledge. Journal of Extension. 57(6):v57-6rb4. 

Backus, W.M., J.C. Waller, G.E. Bates, C.A. Harper, A. Saxton, D.W. McIntosh, J. Birkhead, and P.D. Keyser.  2017.  Management of native warm-season grasses for beef cattle and biomass production in the Mid-South USA. Journal of Animal Science. 95:3143-3153. doi:10.2527/jas2017.1488. 

Keyser, P.D., E.D. Holcomb, C.M. Lituma, G.E. Bates, J.C. Waller, C.N. Boyer, and J.T. Mulliniks. 2016. Forage attributes and animal performance from native grass inter-seeded with red clover. Agronomy Journal. 108: 373-383. doi:10.2134/agronj2015.0198.

McIntosh, D.W., G.E. Bates, P.D. Keyser, F.L. Allen, C.A. Harper, J.C. Waller, J.L. Birckhead, and W.M. Backus. 2016. The impact of forage harvest timing on biomass quality from native warm-season grass mixtures. Agronomy Journal. 108:1–7. doi:10.2134/agronj2015.0560.

McIntosh, D.W., G.E. Bates, P.D. Keyser, F.L. Allen, C.A. Harper, J.C. Waller, J.L. Birckhead, W.M. Backus, and J.E. Beeler. 2015. The impact of harvest timing on biomass yield from native warm-season grass mixtures. Agronomy Journal. 107: 2321-2326. doi:10.2134/agronj15.0251.

Keyser, P.D., A.J. Ashworth, F.L. Allen, and G.E. Bates. 2016. Dormant-season planting and seed-dormancy impacts on switchgrass establishment and yield. Crop Science. 56: 1-10. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2015.03.0144.

Keyser, P.D. A.J. Ashworth, F.L. Allen, and G.E. Bates. 2016. Evaluation of small grain cover crops to enhance switchgrass establishment. Crop Science. 56: 2062-2071.

Holcomb, E., P. Keyser, and C. Harper. 2014. Responses of planted native warm-season grasses to seasonality of fire in the Southeastern USA. Southeastern Naturalist. 13(2):221-236.

Ashworth, A.J., P.D. Keyser, E.D. Holcomb, and C.A. Harper. 2013. Yield and stand persistence of switchgrass as affected by cutting height and variety. Forage and Grazinglands. Published in Forage and Grazinglands DOI 10.1094/FG-2013-0043-RS.

Boyer, C.N., K. Zechiel, P.D. Keyser, J. Rhinehart, and G.E. Bates. 2020. Risk and Returns from Grazing Beef Cattle on Warm-Season Grasses in Tennessee. Agronomy Journal 112:301–308. DOI: 10.1002/agj2.20032.

Lowe, J.K., II, C.N. Boyer, A.P. Griffith, J.C. Waller, G.E. Bates, P.D. Keyser, J.A. Larson, and E.D. Holcomb. 2016. The cost of feeding bred dairy heifers on native warm-season grasses and harvested feedstuffs. Journal of Dairy Science. 99:1-10.

Boyer, C.N., A.P. Griffith, D.W. McIntosh, G.E. Bates, P.D. Keyser, and B.C. English. 2015. Breakeven price of biomass for dual-purpose native warm-season grasses in Tennessee. Biomass and Bioenergy doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2015.10.006

Lowe, J.K., II, C.N. Boyer, A.P. Griffith, G.E. Bates, P.D. Keyser, J.C. Waller, J.A. Larson, and W.M. Backus. 2015 Profitability of beef and biomass production from native warm-season grasses in Tennessee. Biomass and Bioenergy. Agronomy Journal 107:1733-1740.

Keyser, P.D., A.S. West, D.A. Buehler, C.M. Lituma, J.J. Morgan and R.D. Applegate. 2020. Breeding Bird Use of Production Stands of Native Grasses – a Working Lands Conservation Approach. Range Ecology and Management, In Press.   

Keyser, P.D, D.A. Buehler, K. Hedges, J. Hodges, C.M. Lituma, F. Loncarich, and J.A. Martin. 2019. Eastern grasslands: Conservation challenges and opportunities on private lands. Wildlife Society Bulletin 43:382-390. DOI: 10.1002/wsb.1000 

Brooke, J.M., E.P. Tanner, D.C. Peters, A.M. Tanner, C.A. Harper, P.D. Keyser, J.D. Clark, and J.J. Morgan. 2017.  Northern bobwhite breeding season ecology and resource selection on a managed reclaimed surface mine in Kentucky. Journal of Wildlife Management 81:73-85. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21182 

Brooke, J.M., J.J. Morgan, D.L. Baxley, C.A. Harper, and P.D. Keyser. 2017. Factors influencing northern bobwhite hunter success on a public wildlife management area in Kentucky. National Quail Symposium Proceedings 8:265-272. 

Green, A.W., D.P. Grimes, G. Hagan, R. Hamrick, C. Harper, P. Keyser, J. Morgan, I.B. Parnell, R. Thackston, T.M. Terhune II, and J.A. Martin. 2017. Monitoring northern bobwhite populations reduces uncertainty about management effectiveness: A paradigm of empiricism and hope. National Quail Symposium Proceedings 8:33-34. 

Lituma, C.M., D.A. Buehler, E.P. Tanner, A.M. Tanner, P.D. Keyser, and C.A. Harper. 2017.  Factors affecting availability for detection: an example using radio-collared Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus). PLoS ONE 12(12): e0190376.  

Brooke, J.M., E.P. Tanner, D.C. Peters, A.M. Tanner, C.A. Harper, P.D. Keyser, J.D. Clark, J.J. Morgan. 2016. Northern bobwhite breeding season ecology and resource selection on a managed reclaimed surface mine in Kentucky. Journal of Wildlife Management. In Press.

West, A.S., P.D. Keyser, C.M. Lituma, D.A. Buehler, R.D. Applegate, J.J. Morgan. 2016. Grasslands Bird Occupancy of Production Stands of Native Warm-Season Grass in the Mid-South USA. Journal of Wildlife Management. 80(6):1081–1090; 2016; DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21103.

Brooke, J.M., D.C. Peters, A.M. Unger, E.P. Tanner, C.A. Harper, P.D. Keyser, J.D. Clark, J.J. Morgan. 2015. Habitat manipulation influences northern bobwhite resource selection on a reclaimed surface mine. Journal of Wildlife Management 79:1264–1276.

Harper, C.A., J.L. Birckhead, P.D. Keyser, J.C. Waller, W.M. Backus, G.E. Bates, E.D. Holcomb, and J.M. Brooke. 2015. Avian habitat following grazing native warm-season forages in the Mid-South United States. Range Ecology and Management. 68:166-172.

Peters, D., J. Brooke, E. Tanner, A. Unger, P.D. Keyser. C.A. Harper, J. Clark, J.J. Morgan. 2015. Impact of experimental habitat manipulation on northern bobwhite survival. Journal of Wildlife Management 79:605-617.

Unger, A.M., E.P. Tanner, C.A. Harper, P.D. Keyser, F.T. Van Manen, J.J. Morgan, and D.L. Baxley. 2015. Northern bobwhite seasonal habitat selection on a reclaimed surface coal mine in Kentucky. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 2:235-246.

Birckhead, J.L., C.A. Harper, P.D. Keyser, D. McIntosh, E.D. Holcomb, G.E. Bates, J.C. Waller. 2014. Structure of avian habitat following hay and biofuels production in native warm-season grass stands in the Mid-South. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 1:115–121.

Tanner, E.P., A.M. Unger, P.D. Keyser, C.A. Harper, J.D. Clark, J.J. Morgan. 2012. Survival of radio-marked versus leg-banded northern bobwhite in Kentucky. Proceedings, Quail VII, January 10-13, 2012, Tucson, AZ: 212–216.

Unger, A.M., E.P. Tanner, C.A. Harper, P.D. Keyser, J.J. Morgan. 2012. Northern bobwhite survival related to movement on a reclaimed surface coal mine. Proceedings, Quail VII, January 10-13, 2012, Tucson, AZ: 223-228.

West, A.S., P.D. Keyser, and J.J. Morgan. 2012. Northern Bobwhite Survival, Nest Success, and Habitat Use in Kentucky During the Breeding Season. Proceedings, Quail VII, January 10-13, 2012, Tucson, AZ: 217–222.

Ashworth, A.J., F.L. Allen, K.S. Warwick, P.D. Keyser, G.E. Bates, D.D. Tyler, P.L. Lambdin, and D.H. Pote.  2017. N2 fixation of common and hairy vetches when intercropped into switchgrass. Agronomy 7, 39; doi:10.3390/agronomy7020039

Warwick, K., F.L. Allen, P.D. Keyser, AJ Ashworth, G.E. Bates, D.D. Tyler, P.L. Lambdin, and C.A. Harper. 2016. Biomass and integrated forage/biomass yields of switchgrass as affected by intercropped cool- and warm-season legumes. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 71:21-28. Doi: 10.2489/jswc.71.1.21

Ashworth, A.J., C.P West, F.L. Allen, P.D. Keyser, S. Weiss, D.D. Tyler, and A.M. Taylor, K.L. Warwick, and K.P. Beamer. 2015. Biologically fixed nitrogen in legume intercropped systems: comparison of N-difference and 15N enrichment techniques. Agronomy Journal. 107:1-12. DOI:10.2134/agronj14.0639.

Ashworth A.J., F.L. Allen, P.D. Keyser, D.D. Tyler, A.M. Saxton, and A.M. Taylor. 2015. Switchgrass yield and stand dynamics from legume intercropping based on seeding rate and harvest management. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 70(6): 374-384. doi:10.2489/jswc.70.6.374.

Vander Yacht, A.L., P.D. Keyser, C. Kwit, M.C. Stambaugh, W.K. Clatterbuck, and D. Simon.  2019. Limited effectiveness of woodland and savanna restoration as fuel treatments in oak forests of the Mid-South. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 28:70-84. 

Vander Yacht, A.L., P.D. Keyser, S.A. Barrioz, C. Kwit, M.C. Stambaugh, W.K. Clatterbuck, and D.M. Simon. 2019. Reversing Mesophication Effects on Understory Woody Vegetation in Mid-Southern Oak Forests. Forest Science. 65:289-303. doi: 10.1093/forsci/fxy053 

Vander Yacht, A.L., S.A. Barrioz, P.D. Keyser, C.A. Harper, D.S. Buckley, D.A. Buehler, and R.D. Applegate. 2017. Vegetation response to canopy disturbance and season of burn during oak woodland and savanna restoration in Tennessee.  Forest Ecology and Management 390:187-202. 

Vander Yacht, A.L., P.D. Keyser, C.A. Harper, D.S. Buckley, and A.M. Saxton. 2017. Restoration of oak woodlands and savannas in Tennessee using canopy-disturbance, fire-season, and herbicides.  Forest Ecology and Management 406:351-360. 

Cox, MR, EV Willcox, PD Keyser, AL Vander Yacht. 2016. Bat response to prescribed fire and overstory thinning in hardwood forest on the Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee. Forest Ecology and Management. 359: 221-231.

Vander Yacht, A.L., P.D. Keyser, D.A. Buehler, C.A. Harper, D.S. Buckley, R.D. Applegate. 2016. Avian Occupancy Response to Oak Woodland and Savanna Restoration. Journal of Wildlife Management. 80:1091–1105 DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21097.

Barrioz, S, P. Keyser, D. Buckley, D. Buehler, and C. Harper. 2013. Vegetation and Avian Response to Oak Savanna Restoration in the Mid-South USA. American Midland Naturalist. 169:194-213.

Ashworth, A.J., S.A. Weiss, P.D. Keyser, F.L. Allen, D.D. Tyler, A. Taylor, K.P. Beamer, C.P. West, and D.H. Pote. 2016. Switchgrass composition and yield response to alternative soil amendments under intensified heat and drought conditions. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 233: 415–424. 

McIntosh, D.W., G.E. Bates, P.D. Keyser, F.L. Allen, C.A. Harper, J.C. Waller, J.L. Birckhead, and W. Backus. 2016. Forage harvest timing impact on biomass quality from native warm-season grass mixtures. Agronomy Journal 108:1–7. doi:10.2134/agronj2015.0560. 

Ashworth, A.J., P.D. Keyser, F.L. Allen, D.D. Tyler, A.M. Taylor, and C.P. West. 2015. Displacing inorganic nitrogen in lignocellulosic feedstock production systems. Agronomy Journal. 108: 109-116. doi:10.2134/agronj15.0033.

McIntosh, D.W., G.E. Bates, P.D. Keyser, F.L. Allen, C.A. Harper, J.C. Waller, J.L. Birckhead, W.M. Backus, and J.E. Beeler. 2015. The impact of harvest timing on biomass yield from native warm-season grass mixtures. Agronomy Journal 107: 2321–2326.

Ashworth, A.J., A.M. Taylor, D.L. Reed, F.L. Allen, P.D. Keyser, and D.D. Tyler. 2014. Environmental impact assessment of regional switchgrass feedstock production comparing nitrogen input scenarios and legume-intercropping systems. Journal of Cleaner Production 87 (2015) 227-234.

Ashworth, A.J., S.S. Sadaka, F.L. Allen, M.A. Sharara, and P.D. Keyser. 2014. Influence of pyrolysis temperature and production conditions on switchgrass biochar for use as a soil amendment. BioResources 9(4):7622-7635.

Sadaka S., M.A. Sharara, A.J. Ashworth, P. Keyser, F. Allen, and A. Wright. 2014. Characterization of biochar from switchgrass carbonization. Energies. 7(2):548-567.

Extension Publications

Mitchell, D. and Keyser, P. 2020. Grazing and Fire: Critical Components of Grasslands of the Eastern United States.

Keyser, P., Hancock, D., Marks, L., Dillard, L. 2019. Establishing Native Grass Forages in the Southeast. PB 1873.

Brooke, J. and C. A. Harper. 2018. Renovating native warm-season grass stands for wildlife. PB 1856.

Jennings, J., Coffey, K., Beck, P., Looper, M., West, C., Gadberry, S., Simon, K., Aiken, G., Poling, R. Research-based Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on Fescue Toxicity. MP504.

Jennings, J., Simon, K., Mobley, M., Chaney, H., Hubbell, D. Native Warm-season Grasses for Forage. MP538.

Walton, J., P.D. Keyser. 2015. Adjusting Mowing Equipment for Increased Stubble Heights When Harvesting Native Grasses. SP731-I.

Keyser, P.D., C.A. Harper, G. Bates, R. Smith, T. Keene, C. Lituma. 2015. Using Prescribed Fire to Manage Native Grass Forages in the Mid-South. SP731-J.

Harper, C. A., E. D. Holcomb, P. D. Keyser, J. L. Birckhead, J. C. Waller, and G. E. Bates. 2014. Wildlife considerations when haying or grazing native warm-season grasses. SP731-H.

Ownley, B., K. Goddard, S. Jackson, N. Rhodes, D.D. Tyler, and J. Walton. 2014. Guidebook for the Sustainable Production Practices of Switchgrass in the Southeastern US.

Burger, G. and P. D. Keyser. 2013. Ecology and management of oak woodlands and savannahs. PB-1812.

Burger, G. P. D. Keyser. 2013. The shelterwood-burn technique for regenerating oaks. PB-1813.

Ashworth, A., P. D. Keyser, F. Allen, G. E. Bates, and C. A. Harper. 2012. Intercropping legumes with native warm-season grasses for livestock forage production in the Mid-South. SP731-G.

Keyser, P. D., C. A. Harper, and G. E. Bates. 2012. Competition control in native warm-season grasses grown for livestock forage in the Mid-South. SP731-F.

Ashworth, Amanda. 2011. Native warm-season grass roles in water and soil conservation: a literature synthesis.

Doxon, E. D., P. D. Keyser, G. E. Bates, J. C. Waller, and C. A. Harper. 2011. Economic implications of growing native warm-season grasses for forage in the Mid-south. SP731-E.

Keyser, P. D., C. A. Harper, G. E. Bates, J. C. Waller, and E. D. Doxon. 2011. Native warm-season grasses for Mid-south forage production. SP731-A.

Keyser, P. D., C. A. Harper, G. E. Bates, J. C. Waller, and E. D. Doxon. 2011. Establishing native warm-season grasses for livestock forage in the mid-south. SP731-B.

Keyser, P. D., G. E. Bates, J. C. Waller, C. A. Harper, and E. D. Doxon. 2011. Grazing native warm-season grasses in the Mid-south. SP731-C.

Keyser, P. D., G. E. Bates, J. C. Waller, C. A. Harper, and E. D. Doxon. 2011. Producing hay from native warm-season grasses in the Mid-south. SP731-D.

Bates, G., Beeler, J., Walton, J., Goddard, K. 2009 Adjusting and Calibrating a Drill for Planting Switchgrass for Biofuels. SP701-C.

Harper, C. A. and P. D. Keyser. 2008. Potential impacts of switchgrass grown for biofuels on wildlife, University of Tennessee Biofuels Initiative Factsheet. SP704-A.

Harper, C. A, and G. E. Bates, M. P. Hansbrough, M. J. Gudlin, J. P. Gruchy, and P. D. Keyser. 2007. Native warm-season grasses: identification, establishment and management for wildlife and forage production in the Mid-South. PB-1752.

Keyser, P. D., Editor. 2007. Proceedings, State of the State: a conference on native warm-season grasses in Tennessee. January 24, 2007, Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

Surrency, D., Owsley, M., Kirkland, M. Seedling ID Guide for Native Grasses in the Southeast.

Native Grasslands Database — This searchable database provides annotated citations for scientific and technical literature pertinent to the management and conservation of native grassland in the eastern US. (Coming soon)

Proceedings of the First National Bobwhite Quail Symposium. 1972. Edited by J. A. Morrison and J. C. Lewis. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Proceedings of the Second National Bobwhite Quail Symposium. 1982. Edited by F. Schitoskey, Jr, E. C. Schitoskey, and L. G. Talent. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Proceedings of the Third National Bobwhite Quail Symposium. 1993. Edited by K. E. Church and T. V. Dailey. Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, Pratt, KS.

Proceedings of the Fourth National Bobwhite Quail Symposium. 2000. Edited by L. A. Brennan, W. E. Palmer, L. W. Burger, Jr., and T. L. Pruden. Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, FL.

Proceedings of the Fifth National Bobwhite Quail Symposium. 2002. Edited by S. J. DeMaso, W. P. Kuvlesky, Jr., F. Hernandez, and M. E. Burger. Texas Parks and Wildlife, Austin, TX.

Proceedings of the Sixth National Bobwhite Quail Symposium. 2006. Edited by S. B. Cederbaum, B. C. Faircloth, T. m. Terhune, J. J. Thompson, and J. P. Carroll. University of Georgia, Athens, GA.

Proceedings of the Second Eastern Native Grass Symposium. 1999. Edited by J.C. Ritchie, J.A. Dickerson, C.A. Ritchie.

Proceedings of the Fourth Eastern Native Grass Symposium. 2004. Edited by T.G. Barnes. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.

Proceedings of the Fifth Eastern Native Grass Symposium. 2006. Edited by M. Sanderson. Harrisburg, PA.

Proceedings of the Sixth Eastern Native Grass Symposium. 2008. Edited by W. Stringer, J. Andrae, G. Yarrow. Columbia, SC.

Proceedings of the Seventh Eastern Native Grass Symposium. 2010. Edited by C. Harper. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.

Proceedings of the Eighth Eastern Native Grass Symposium. 2012. Virginia Tech, Charlottesville, VA.

Tenth Eastern Native Grass Symposium (no proceedings produced, agenda only). 2016. Evansville, IN.

Eleventh Eastern Native Grass Symposium. 2018. Erie, PA.

Southeastern Prairie Symposium. 2012. Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS.