Bird’s the Word: Center for Native Grasslands Management seeking Summer Research Technicians

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The Center for Native Grassland Management at the University of Tennessee is in need of field technicians for the summer of 2023. Technicians will be responsible for assisting the researcher with an ongoing study of grasshopper sparrows and meadowlarks at various study sites in the Knoxville, TN area. This position has a flexible start date in May of 2023 and will continue through the summer.


  • Experience with nest-searching
  • Be able to ID birds by sight and sound
  • Conduct radio-telemetry on multiple individuals over a large area
  • Safely handle and band/radio-collar wild birds
  • Experience with mist-netting and trapping
  • Navigate using a map and/or GPS
  • Operate an ATV/UTV, off-road vehicle
  • Work outdoors for an entire shift
  • Recognize basic habitat components (forb cover, shrub cover, forest, etc.)
  • Work independently and follow written and oral instructions
  • Experience with vegetative sampling

Applicants who lack the above experience but display a strong aptitude to learn will be considered as well. The successful applicant will spend most of their time conducting habitat surveys but will also be expected to track birds using radio telemetry and assist with catching/trapping. Starting pay is $14-$16 an hour, depending on qualifications. Interested applicants should send the information listed below in a single PDF to Megan Berry ( or Doug Mitchell (

  • Put “Research Tech” in the subject line
  • Brief description of your applicable skills and your career goals and interests
  • List of days and times that you are available to work
  • Résumé or C.V. with at least 2 references
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