We plan to add additional material here, including a course on economics and the experiences of numerous producers with their native grasses
Native Grass Establishment 101
This first video will take you through five steps to successfuly planning and establishing native grasses.

- Introduction (1:49)
- Selecting a Site to Plant Native Grasses: What to Look For (3:30)
- Advanced Weed Control (2:50)
- Conventional Seedbeds (0:40)
- Which Species of Native Grasses Should I Plant? (0:26)
- Timing & Seeding Rates (0:40)
- Understanding “Pure Live Seed” and How to Calculate It (3:54)
- The Planting Process: Thatch, Seeding Depth, Drilling vs. Sowing, Seed-soil Contact, Equipment (4:47)
- Other Issues: Herbicide Application at Planting, Fertilizers, and Seed Dormancy (2:32)
Post Planting
- Seedling Development: Germination Rate, Tillering— Implications for Drought Resiliency, Winter Survival, and Herbicide Tolerance (4:04)
- Weed Control After Planting— the Seedling Year: Thresholds for Control, Clipping, Herbicide Options, Grazing (3:37)
- Seedling Density: How Much is Enough? (2:25)
- Conclusion (2:14)
Other Resources
- Seed Vendors List
- Establishing Native Warm-season Grasses for Livestock Forage in the Mid-South
- Species to use
- Native Warm-season Grass Species and Cultivars (courtesy, Progressive Forage Grower)
- How much do I need?
- Site selection
- Conventional seedbeds
- Dormant-season seeding
- Establishment
- Establishing Native Grass Forages (courtesy, Progressive Forage Grower)
- Advanced competition control
- Natural reseeding
- Cost share
- Native Grass Establishment: Site Selection and Advanced Weed Control
- Overview–Why natives, why not natives, establishment changes
- Native Warm-season Grasses: Basic Establishment Principles
- Native Grass Forage Workshop: Establishment
Have questions about the videos you watched? Email Dr. Keyser for more information.
Competition Control 101
This video explains how to prevent weeds as well as what to do if weeds have already started to grow in your native grass pastures.

- Introduction (0:45)
Preventing Weed Problems
- Canopy management (2:08)
- Fertilization (1:27)
Controlling Weeds
- Grazing (0:40)
- Spraying (3:57)
- Bermudagrass (0:52)
- Cool-season weeds (2:59)
- Prescribed Fire (1:36)
- Conclusion (1:39)
Other Resources
- Competition Control in Native Warm-season Grasses Grown for Livestock Forage in the Mid-South
- Advanced Competition Control, a Key to Successful Native Grass Establishment
- Competition control in native grass pastures and hayfields
- Cool-season Competition Control
- Warm-season Competition Control
- Winter Care of Native Grasses
- 2021 Weed Control Manual for Tennessee
- UTIA: Herbicide Stewardship
- UT Beef and Forage Center: Weed, Pest, and Disease Management
- Fertility Management for Native Grass Forages
Have questions about the videos you watched? Email Dr. Keyser for more information.
Grazing Management 101
This video provides the tools and information you need to manage your native grass pastures.

- Introduction (1:21)
Understanding Native Grasses
- Introduction (2:08)
- How Tall Grasses Store Energy (0:51)
- It Takes Grass to Grow Grass! (2:08)
- Protect the Growing Points (1:49)
- Don’t Let Them Get Away from You (0:44)
- Plant Vigor and Grazing Height (3:43)
- Keeping Stands Productive (3:43)
Growth Curves
- Growth Curves (3:22)
Managing Canopies
- Introduction (0:31)
- Continuous Grazing (1:23)
- Rotational Grazing (3:08)
- Patch-burn Grazing (3:16)
- Target Canopy Heights (1:43)
- Using Hay Harvests as a Tool (0:37)
Resting Native Grasses
- Why Rest is Important (3:19)
- Using Rest to Schedule Forage Availability (1:00)
- Fall Rest (1:44)
Initiating Grazing
- Initiating Grazing in Spring (1:32)
Which Pastures to Graze?
- Conclusion (2:11)
Other Resources
- Native Warm-Season Grasses for Mid-South Forage Production, SP 731-A
- Grazing Native Warm-Season Grasses in the Mid-South, SP 731-C
- Overlap in Spring Growth from Warm- and Cool-season Grasses: Which Should I Graze Now?
- Grazing Management
- Managing a forage said to be ‘too difficult to manage’ (courtesy, Progressive Cattleman)
- Extending the Grazing Season for Native Warm-season Grasses
- Patch-burn Grazing
- Out with the New, in with the Old: Patch-burn Grazing (courtesy, Progressive Forage Grower)
- Timing spring Grazing
- Continuous Grazing
- Rotational Grazing
- Managing Native Grass Forages (courtesy, Progressive Forage Grower)
- Harvest Height
- Fall Rest
- Over-Seeding Winter Annuals
Have questions about the videos you watched? Email Dr. Keyser for more information.